Sunday, 16 March 2014

Hannah goes... Manchester

So I went to Manchester yesterday with the Students Union (and about 150 other students). This was my first trip to a different city since I came to Newcastle in September, which is pretty sad considering that half my time here is already over. But I guess you have to start somewhere.

The Manchester Museum
I had a lot of fun walking across the city with a couple of fellow students. Or rather repeatedly stopping to take pictures and then running to catch up :P

I think Manchester is a very pretty city and I could even imagine living there for some time. Here are some impressions:

Manchester Metropolitan University

Town Hall Tower
Captain Hannah
University of Manchester
John Rylands Library
MOSI Museum of Science & Industry
Beetham Tower

Chinese Buffet for lunch :)

Manchester Town Hall

Monday, 10 March 2014

Busy Bee

I realised I haven’t been writing much lately, but I’m trying to keep up :)
I am very busy with my modules at uni at the moment, so I didn’t really get to do much else.
However, I have just planned a few exciting activities that I hope will be a lot of fun.

First of all, I booked a ticket for a day trip to Manchester on Saturday. Since I’m up here in the north already, I thought I should try and see at least a bit of it.


Then in the end of March I’m hopefully participating in a “Zombie Run”, an event the Students Union is organising. I am really looking forward to it and I hope it will be as much fun as it sounds like :)

And finally, April and therefore Easter break is getting closer pretty fast, which means a LOT of fun coming up! Juju will be here soon, together we will go to London, later I will spend a week in Groningen, NL and as if all that is not enough, once I'm back my parents will come here to Newcastle to see me ^_^

As I said, it will be one hell of a busy month and I can't wait! :3

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Hannah goes... Round 2! *ding-ding-ding*

Finally, classes have started for semester 2 and it seems to be more relaxed this time, especially in regards to my timetable. I was, and still am, really excited about going to the classes and I am highly motivated to work hard and do my best for good marks.

As for the modules, this semester I am still taking Methods of CCC Research, which is continued from semester 1 and which is connected to my research portfolio aka dissertation. Just like in semester 1, it consists of a 2hr lecture and a 1hr seminar per week.

For my main programme (CCC) I am also taking Culture, Interculturality and Identity which involves a 3hr lecture per week and three 1hr seminars across the semester.

Some of the books I need for semester 2
I also signed up for International Business Talk and Interaction, which is scheduled for 6 hours on a Saturday (dreadful thought, I know). However, this is restricted to four Saturdays only, therefore I am confident that this will help to spread assignments across the semester, so I won’t have 3 assignments all due in one week again... that was really too much for me at the end of semester 1.

For my pathway (IBM), I’m taking Small Business Marketing and Management this semester, a 2hr lecture, hoping the focus will be more on management than on marketing...

And finally, I have a module called Performance and Decision Management, which is essentially Management Accounting and is a weekly 3hr lecture.

Overall, I am really happy with my programme and my modules and I am really really glad that I got accepted at Newcastle University to experience all this! :D

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

National Identity

I've noticed recently that I haven’t seen anything with an English flag on it yet. Only the Union Jack. This surprises me a little because I got into the topic of national identity in one of my modules in semester 1 and discussed a study which was deducted across the UK and which identified that people from England tend to see themselves as English first and British second, whereas in Scotland or Wales for example, people would tend to say that they feel British as a first or main identity and Scottish or Welsh as a second one.


I don’t know if this is maybe a tourism thing to sell all kinds of goods with the Union Jack on it or if it’s because Newcastle is a city with many international students. Or maybe it has political reasons I'm unaware of. I just randomly realised that I haven’t seen a single English flag since I’ve come to England.