Sunday, 16 March 2014

Hannah goes... Manchester

So I went to Manchester yesterday with the Students Union (and about 150 other students). This was my first trip to a different city since I came to Newcastle in September, which is pretty sad considering that half my time here is already over. But I guess you have to start somewhere.

The Manchester Museum
I had a lot of fun walking across the city with a couple of fellow students. Or rather repeatedly stopping to take pictures and then running to catch up :P

I think Manchester is a very pretty city and I could even imagine living there for some time. Here are some impressions:

Manchester Metropolitan University

Town Hall Tower
Captain Hannah
University of Manchester
John Rylands Library
MOSI Museum of Science & Industry
Beetham Tower

Chinese Buffet for lunch :)

Manchester Town Hall

Monday, 10 March 2014

Busy Bee

I realised I haven’t been writing much lately, but I’m trying to keep up :)
I am very busy with my modules at uni at the moment, so I didn’t really get to do much else.
However, I have just planned a few exciting activities that I hope will be a lot of fun.

First of all, I booked a ticket for a day trip to Manchester on Saturday. Since I’m up here in the north already, I thought I should try and see at least a bit of it.


Then in the end of March I’m hopefully participating in a “Zombie Run”, an event the Students Union is organising. I am really looking forward to it and I hope it will be as much fun as it sounds like :)

And finally, April and therefore Easter break is getting closer pretty fast, which means a LOT of fun coming up! Juju will be here soon, together we will go to London, later I will spend a week in Groningen, NL and as if all that is not enough, once I'm back my parents will come here to Newcastle to see me ^_^

As I said, it will be one hell of a busy month and I can't wait! :3